"Meeting Them Where they Are"
All of our Ministries, focus on bringing the Gospel of Jesus and the love of our Savior directly to people where they are.
Tournament Ministry
Zanshin - Do out reach ministry spreads the good News of Jesus to Both the Martial Arts Community and Outside the Dojo as well. Showing what it means to be a Christian first and Martial Artist second. Zanshin - Do organizes and provides a worship service at tournaments.
Giving Back
We use our dojos and affiliates to raise money for our community to help others in need. Our annual events like our Zanshin Christmas tournament and Kick-A-Thon for the City of Hope allows us to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Warrior Worship Nights
Zanshin - Do Worship nights brings Warriors together from all walks of life and different Martial art styles for one purpose. We come together to worship our Lord God the way warriors would do before going off into battle. Worship prepares us for our modern day battles of Life.
Dojo Ministry
Our Christ centered dojos take the void of eastern religion that is found in most martial arts schools today and replaces it with teaching of the Bible.
Teaching students that warrior has to train not only his body but his mind and Spirit as well.
Demo Team Ministry
Using every opportunity that God Gives us to spread the Good News, we attract onlookers with a martial arts demos and then teach them about the Love of Jesus. We inspire others through the talents God has given us.
Self Defense Ministry
We partner with MUNIO and other great Self defense equipment suppliers to host self defense seminars and workshops, specifically focusing on preparing women and girls on what attacks look like both Physically and Spiritually